Amir Hossein Eslami

وب نوشت امیر حسین اسلامی

۳ مطلب در خرداد ۱۳۹۴ ثبت شده است


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۳۰ خرداد ۹۴ ، ۱۶:۵۱ ۰ نظر موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰
امیر اسلامی
شنبه, ۳۰ خرداد ۱۳۹۴، ۱۱:۴۵ ق.ظ امیر اسلامی


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۳۰ خرداد ۹۴ ، ۱۱:۴۵ ۰ نظر موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰
امیر اسلامی

The Holy Prophet, Founder of Shiite Faith **NEW

The Holy Prophet, Founder of Shiite Faith



A clear message in the words of The Trusty Prophet:



            “The opening of a believer’s book of deeds, is the friendship and discipleship of Ali son of Abi-Taleb. “






            “He who wishes to live and die as I have, and to be given residence in Eden, which its trees have been implanted by My Lord; must love Ali and be his disciple after me, and should love Ali’s friends and disciples too, and follow Imams who would come after me, since they are my dynasty, are created with the same mettle as mine, and have been given perception and knowledge.



            Woe to those who would deny their erudition and eminence, and would severe the linkage between me and them! May God devoid them from my intercession! ”



The Key Word “Shiite”



            “Shiite” literally means disciple, friend or companion, and its gerund means conformity and obedience. This term specifically applies to those who are disciples of Ali and his immaculate progenies and who believe in their being Imam; in a way that if the word “Shiite” would be used without any conditionals or adverbs, all the minds shall turn to those persons who believe in these Immaculate Imams as their leaders.



            Azhari[1] writes: “… Shiite is the group of people who love the dynasty of The Holy Prophet and have accepted their discipleship.”



            In the book “Melal-va-nehal”, Shahrestani writes: “ Shiite are those who specifically follow Ali, believe both outright and privately in his being Imam and his vicariate according to The Holy Prophet’s testament and prose, and believe that leadership (being Imam) shall never be given to someone outside his descendants.”



            Ibn-e-Kholdoun in the foreword to the book “Al-Ebar” writes: “Shiite literally means friends and disciples, and it is used by Islamic thinkers (Faghihs) and religious logicians (Motakallems) _latter and former_ to refer to the disciples of Ali and his descendants.



            Abu-Mohammad-Hasan-Ibn-e-Mousa who lived in the third century hejri[2] in his book “Feragh-al-Shia” writes:



“There are four major sects: Shiite, Mo’atazeleh, Morje’eh and Khavarej.



Shiite is the faction belonging to Ali son of Abi-Talib who were called by the name of “Shiite of Ali” in the times of The Holy Prophet and after, and were famous for being completely attached to Ali and the belief in his being Imam; these include: Meghdad-Ibn-e-Aswad, Salman-e-farsi, Abouzar Al-Ghafari, Ammar son of Yasir and those who had the friendship _with obedience_ of Ali. Those were the first ones who were called “Shiite” amidst Muslims, since in the ancient times the name of Shiite had been used to refer to the disciples of Abraham, Moses, Jesus and other prophets.”



            Abu-Hatam Sahl-ibn-Mohammad Sajestani (died in the year 250 hejri) in his book “Az-Zinah” writes: “The word Shiite in the time of The Holy Prophet was the title for four of his comrades: Salman-e-farsi, Abizar Al-Ghafari, Meghdad-Ibn-e-Aswad and Ammar-Ibn-e-Yasir.”



            In the past and at the present, some of the inadequately informed or malicious writers, have recognized Shiite, like so many other Islamic sects, as a byproduct of political disputes, and others have thought of it as the final result of religious debates and doctrinal quarrels, and have then searched for its historical origin. But if they would have looked at the matter with an impartial and scrutinizing outlook, they should have understood well that the faction Shiite had been founded at the time of The Holy Prophet and in fact, the historical origin of Shiite is the same as the origin of Islam; and from the very first day that The Holy Prophet spilled the seeds of Shiite on the sapling of Islam, and till the moment that he answered the call of the lord, has been constantly irrigating this pure sapling and had reinforced its roots.



When the paradigm {} was sent down to The Holy Prophet, he called a meeting with clan of Bani-Hashem (literally, descendants of Hashem), and after warning them about believing in God and the life after death, he said to them: “Who among you would help me, so that he shall become my brother, my heir, my minister, and after my death, my administrator and vicar (caliph) among yourselves?” None of those who were present gave an affirmative answer, except for Ali; and so The Holy Prophet told them: “This is my brother, my heir, my minister, and after my death, he would be my administrator and vicar among you; so listen to his words and follow his orders.”



So, the call for becoming Shiite and for following Ali, has been made simultaneously with the call for giving the testimony (declaring faith in Allah and his prophet, Mohammad).



When was the title “Shiite” given to disciples of Immaculate Imams?



            We may presume, that the title “Shiite” has been given to disciples of the household (this phrase is used to refer to the descendants of The Holy Prophet and from now on would be replaced by “dynasty”), long after the emersion of Islam; meaning that when the friends and disciples of inmates began to increase in number and were scattered across different regions, were given this title (Shiite) to be distinguished from other people. But it had not been so; since if we scrutinize the sayings of The Holy Prophet, we shall see clearly that the allocation of this title to the disciples of the Ali and the holy dynasty (Imams who came after him), happened simultaneously with the rise of Islam, and this fruitful foliage, dates back to the same era that the sapling was planted; and at last we come to the conclusion that the Holy Lawgiver has given this title to the disciples of immaculate Imams.



            What that comes in the following, are some glimpses of sayings of The Holy Prophet which we put at disposal of you esteemed readers, so that they would express this unequivocal truth, clearly.



            In these sayings of The Holy Prophet which with successive imputation have been narrated by Sunni writers, the title “Shiite” has been used by The Holy Prophet to refer to the disciples of The Premiere of Believers (Ali) and other Imams among the holy dynasty:






Kharazmi[3] has quoted Jabir as saying: “we were in attendance to The Holy Prophet when Ali came in; The Holy Prophet said: ‘My brother has come amongst you.’ Then he faced Ka’abeh (God’s Harem) and remarked: “Vow to the one who has my life in his hands, this Ali and his disciples are, without doubt, the blessed on the day of reckoning.” Then he added: “Certainly he was the first among you who declared his faith in me; Between you, he is the most loyal to the God’s covenant, the most ready to rise for orders of God, the most righteous in the affairs of peasants, the best divider who divides equally, and the most esteemed in the eyes of God.”



Jabir said: “it was on this occasion that the following paradigm (ayat)[4] was sent down to The Holy Prophet:






Whenever Ali was to enter the company adherents of The Holy Prophet, they would say: ‘The best of the people has arrived.’ ”[5]






Kharazmi has cited Hafiz-ibn-e-Mardouyeh[6] that Yazid-ibn-e-Shorahil-e-Ansari[7], the secretary of Ali, has said: “I heard Ali saying: “Once The Holy Prophet, while was leaning on my chest, told me: ‘Oh Ali, haven’t you heard God’s saying that {} ? Those are you and your Shiites; our meeting place shall be by the side the pool of Kowsar; when all the nations and sects would come for the reckoning, you would be called by the titles of “Reputed” and “Exonerated”.’ ” ”






            Ibn-e-Sabbagh-e-Maliki[8] has quoted Ibn-e-Abbas[9] as saying: “When the ayat {} was sent down, The Holy Prophet told Ali: ‘This ayat is referring to you and your Shiites; on the day of reckoning you would come to the presence of God, accompanied by them, and while you are contented with God, God is also pleased with you; and then your enemies would come in, whilst being angry and holding their heads high as the result of their shackles being too tight.’”






            Hafiz Jamaleddin Zarandi[10] has quoted Ibn-e-Abbas as saying: “When the ayat [] was sent down, The Holy Prophet told Ali: ‘This ayat is referring to you and your Shiites; on the day of reckoning you would come to the presence of God, accompanied by them, and while you are contented [with] God, God is pleased with you too; and then your enemies would come, whilst being angry and their hands tied up to their necks.’”



            “Who’s my enemy?” Ali asked.



            “He who hates you and curses you”, The Holy Prophet answered.



            And then he said: “Every body who would say: ‘May God bless Ali!’ will be blessed by God.”






            God’s Prophet told Ali once:



            “You and your Shiites shall be in paradise.”






The Holy prophet addressed Ali:



“O Ali! Without doubt, you and your descendants, children, dynasty, Shiites and the adherents of your Shiites, are all pardoned by God.”







The Holy Prophet once remarked:



“When the day of reckoning will be held, people would be called by their names and their mother’s names; except for him (i.e. Ali) and his Shiites, whom shall be called by their names and their father’s names, since they are born legitimately.”






            The Grand Prophet told Ali:



            “You are the first among my nation (Muslims) who would enter the paradise, and your Shiites shall be sitting on rostrums made of light; while they are being content and enlightened, gathering around me, I shall plead for God’s pardon for them and they are among my neighbors tomorrow.”






            God’s Prophet remarked:



            “I am the tree which Fatima is its branch, Ali is its seed, Hassan and Hussayn are its fruits and our Shiites are its foliage; the root of this tree and the main part of it is in Eden and its other parts are in the other parts of paradise.”






Once The Holy Prophet said in a sermon:



            “O’ you people, every body who shall take us, the holy dynasty, as his enemy, on the day of reckoning will be risen as a Jew.”



            “Even if he would fast and say his prayers?”  , asked Jabir-Ibn-e-Abdollah[11].



            The prophet answered:



            “Yes; even if he would fast and say his prayers and think that he is a Muslim; for the sake of Islam, shedding his blood is prohibited and he shan’t be forced to pay Jezyeh[12]. At the time of creation, my nation (Muslims) were all incarnated and presented before me, all the nations passed before me; but I only asked God for the pardon for my Shiites.”






            The Holy Prophet once remarked:



            “My plea for God’s pardon for my nation is particular to those who love my dynasty and only them, are my Shiites and disciples.”






            Ibn-e-Hajar[13] , with his own evidence, has quoted Ibn-e-Abbas as saying: “When the ayat [], was  sent down, The Prophet told Ali:



            “This ayat is referring to you and your Shiites; on the day of reckoning you would come to the presence of God, accompanied by them, and while you are contented [with] God, God is pleased with you too; and then your enemies would come, whilst being angry and their hands tied up to their necks.”



            “Who’s my enemy?” Ali asked.



            “He who hates you and curses you”, The Holy Prophet answered. Then he added: “How fortunate are those who would race each other to the shades of heaven, on the day of reckoning!”



            It was asked: “And who are those?”



            “Your Shiites and those who love you”, His holiness replied.






            Ibn-e-Hajar in his book, Savaegh[14], quotes Omm-e-Salameh[15] as saying:



            “The night that The Prophet was with me, Fatima came to the attendance of his holiness and Ali came after him; in that moment The Holy Prophet remarked: ‘O’ Ali, you and your adherents are in paradise; you and your Shiites shall be in paradise.”






            Zamakhshari[16] in his book, Rabi-o-alabrar[17], has narrated that The Holy Prophet said:



            “O’ Ali! When the day of reckoning would come, I would be subjected to God’s beneficence and kindness, and you would catch my cloth, your dynasty would catch yours, and their Shiites would catch their cloth, and then we would wait to see that to where we shall be taken.”






            Maghazeli[18] has quoted Anas-ibn-e-Malik[19] as saying:



            “God’s Prophet said: ‘Seventy thousand people of my nation shall enter paradise without any accounting or interrogation.’



            Then he faced Ali and remarked: ‘Those are your Shiites and you are their Imam and leader.’ ”






            Maghazeli has quoted Kathir-ibn-e-Zeyd[20] as saying: “A’amash[21] entered the presence of Mansour[22] and when Mansour saw him, he said to him: ‘O’ Soleyman, come and sit here with me, on the highest place among the company!’ ‘Wherever I may sit, there would be the highest place,’ A’amash answered.  And then he reminded them a quotation from The Holy Prophet, stating:



“Just now Gabriel came to my visit and said: ‘Ornament your fingers with agate rings, since agate is the first among stones that has testified for God’s unity, for my prophecy, for Ali’s administration and vicariate, for his dynasty’s being Imams, and for his Shiites to end up in paradise.’ ” ”






            Maghazeli has narrated that Salman-e-Parsi[23] has quoted The Holy Prophet as saying:



“O’ Ali, place your ring on your right hand’s finger, so that you would be placed among the esteemed servants of God.”



“And who are those cherished servants of God?” asked Ali.



“Gabriel and Michael”, The Holy Prophet replied.



“With what sort of ring should I ornament my hand?” he asked.



God’s prophet replied: “With red agate, since agate is the rock that has testified for God’s unity, for my prophecy, for Ali’s administration and vicariate, for his dynasty’s being Imams, and for those who love you, ending up in Eden, and for your Shiites to live on in paradise.”






            Akhtab Khwarazm[24] has quoted Ibn-e-Abbas, with successive chain of evidence, as saying: “God’s Prophet was in his house when Ali went to see him by dawn, since he wished that nobody should overtake him in meeting with The Holy Prophet; Ali entered the house while the prophet was in apron of the house with Dahiah-ibn-e-Khalifeh-Kalbi. Ali said: ‘May God reward you on behalf of us, Ahl-e-Beyt (The Prophet’s own dynasty).’



            Then Dahiah remarked: ‘I love you and I have some encomium for you that I want to inform you of; you are The Premier of believers, the leader of reputed and exonerated people, and chief to all of Adam’s children on the day of reckoning … . The banner of Gloria shall be in your hands, while you and your Shiites would go quickly to paradise with The Holy Prophet and his sect; Without doubt, he who accepted being your friend and disciple shall be salvaged, and he who was your enemy, is lost and hopeless; Mohammad’s lovers love you and your enemies would never have Mohammad’s intercession; come near me, you who are chosen by God.’



            Then he lifted up the prophet’s head from his own lap and put it on Ali’s and went away. After a while, The Holy Prophet lifted up his own head and asked: ‘What’s all this fuss about?’ Ali told The Prophet about his own adventure. Then The Holy Prophet remarked:



            ‘O’ Ali, he was not Dahiah, but he was Gabriel who called you by the name which God calls you by, and it’s God that has put your love in the hearts of believers, and has put your fear and awe in the hearts of infidels.’ ”






            Hakim[25] has cited Zeyd[26] who narrates that The Holy Prophet once said:



            “Whoever wants to live as I have lived and die as I would die, and to be resident in Eden which has been promised to me by my Lord, must accept Ali’s discipleship, since he surely won’t cause your deviation from the right path and won’t enter you in the path of ruin.






            Khwarazmi has cited Mousa-ibn-e-Ja’afar[27]  who has also cited his fathers, quoting Ali, The Premier of Believers, as saying:



            “The Holy Prophet once said: ‘When I entered the paradise, I saw a tree which from its branches ornaments and fine dresses were hung, and under that tree black and white horses were kept, and in the middle of that garden Huralyns (women of paradise) were standing, and on top of it was Rezwan. So I asked Gabriel: ‘whose tree is this?’ He replied: ‘This tree belongs to your cousin, Ali; When God orders people to enter the paradise, Ali’s Shiites are brought in, till they reach this tree. At that moment they would wear those beautiful ornaments and dresses and get on those horses; and at this time the preacher says: ‘these are Ali’s Shiites who have endured all the hardships and harassments in the world (for the sake of their beliefs) and so are rewarded with such a place.’ ’ ’ ”






            Kharazmi has cited Ja’afar son of Mohammad[28], and he in turn has cited his own father and his father has cited Ali son of Hussayn[29], and he has quoted his father[30] as saying: “The Holy Prophet said:



            “O Ali, you among my nation, are like Jesus son of Mary whose nation was divided into three sects: Those who believed in him and were called apostles, those who despised him and were his enemies i.e. Jews, and those who exaggerated about him and stepped outside the circle of faith.



            My nation, regarding their relations toward you, would also divide into three groups: The sect who are your Shiites and so they are believers, the group which are your enemies and are called Traitors, and the sect who exaggerate about you and so they are deviated and deniers; So you and your Shiites shall be in paradise, your Shiites’ friends and lovers shall be in paradise too, but your enemies and those exaggerate about you will be thrown in fire (Hell).’






            Khwarazmi according to the claims of Anas[31] has quoted The Holy Prophet as saying:



            “When the day of reckoning would be held, they would call Ali’s name by seven titles; Seddigh (Veridical), Dall (Instructor), A’abed (Devout), Hadi (Guide), (Mahdi) Guided, Fata (Chivalrous), and Ali (Elevated). You and your Shiites shall enter the paradise without accounting.”






            Hamouini[32] according to his evidence has claimed: “The leader of the world, Sharaf-oddin[33] informed me about this quotation with hard evidence from … from Ali who said:



“The Holy Prophet once said: ‘O’ Ali, surely God has pardoned you, your family and children, your Shiites, your Shiites’ adherents, and the lovers of your Shiites’ adherents; I annunciate to you that you are free from and clean of Sherk (belief that God has or had some associates) and are full of knowledge.’ ”






            Ibn-e-Maghazeli[34] with reference to Ja’afar-ibn-e-Mohammad[35] quotes him as saying: “My father Mohammad-ibn-e-Ali narrated that his fathers quoted The Holy Prophet as saying:



            “O’ Ali! Surely our Shiites, on the day of reckoning, would rise from their graves with all their sins and vices, while their faces are as bright as full moon, and all the hardships have been taken from them, and the entering ways are easy for them to pass and they are secure and at mercy; people are scared, but they aren’t; people are sorrowful, but they are free from all the sorrows; from their shoelaces a light glitters, they are riding white camels which have wings, and those camels are docile, and would obey them without any difficulty, their necks are like red gold and softer than silk; and all these endowments are because of their place and value before God.” ”






            Ibn-e-Asaker has cited Abi-Abd-e-allah, Ja’afar son of Mohammad[36], who has cited his father Mohammad son of Ali, Baghir[37], who has also cited his father Ali-ibn son of Hussayn[38], who has cited his father Hussayn son of Ali[39], who cites his father Ali, The Premier of Believers, that he has quoted The Holy Prophet as saying:



            “O Ali, when the day of reckoning would come, a group of people will rise from their graves whose clothes are made from light, are riding steeds radiant with light with bridles made from red rubies, and angels will escort them to the place of reckoning.”



 “God be praised! Who are these people and how respected by God are they?” Ali asked. The Holy Prophet replied:



            “Those are your disciples, Shiites and lovers; they love you since they love me, and they love me since they love God, and they are the salvaged and redeemed people on the day of reckoning.”






            Ahmad has cited Zeyd[40], who has cited his father, and his father Ali son of Hussayn has cited his father and then his grandfather, Ali who said: “I complained about people’s envy towards myself. Then The Holy Prophet said:



            ‘Don’t you want to be one of the first four persons who enter the paradise? Well, those are me, you, Hassan and Hussayn[41]; whilst our wives are on our left and right side, and our children are on their behind, and our Shiites shall be following us.’ ”






            Ibn-e-Asaker has cited Yahya-ibe-e-Abdoallah[42], who in turn has cited his father, and his father has cited Ja’afar-ibn-e-Mohammad[43], and his holiness has cited his fathers quoting The Holy Prophet as saying:



            “Surely in paradise, there is a fountain from which spouts a liquid, sweeter than honey, softer than butter, colder that snow, more fragrant than musk, and in that fountain there is a fragment of clay which God created us from, and our Shiites had been created by the same kind of clay, and he who is not created from this clay wouldn’t be from us or our Shiites; and that clay is the promise which God has taken from them, about the discipleship (Velayat) of Ali son of Abi-Talib.”






            Ghandousi[44] has cited Mohammad son of Hanafiyeh who has quoted his father, Ali as saying: “One day I was sleeping, when The Holy Prophet came in and looked at me and he roused me with his foot and said:



            ‘Wake up you, whom I whish my father and mother would have been immolated for you[45]! Gabriel has just come to me and said: ‘Enunciate him (ALi) that God has chosen his progenies as Imams, and shall pardon him, his family, his Shiites and those who love him, and he who would insult him or do him wrong, shall be thrown in fire.’ ’ ”






            Sayyed Shahab-oddin Ahmad[46] with his own evidence has cited Zeyd the son of Ali the son of Hussayn son of Ali, who in turn has quoted The Holy Prophet, on the day that Kheybar was conquered, as remarking:



            “If I wasn’t afraid that my nation would say about you what some of Christians has said about Jesus son of Mary, I would have said something about you which would make people take the soil from the place which you pass, when you walk amongst them; and take the surplus of water from your Wozou (a ritual before saying prayers involving washing the face and hands with water) with the hope to be healed  by it; suffice it to say that you are from me and I’m from you , you would inherit me and I’d inherit you, and you are to me, what Aaron was to Moses, with the difference that there would be no prophet after me. You would free me from my remaining obligations and you shall fight on my principles, and you will be the closest of people to me in the afterlife; tomorrow (in the afterlife) you shall be my vicar on the side of the pool[47], you’d drive hypocrites away from the pool, and you will be the first person who would join me by the side of the pool; you shall be the first among my nation to enter the paradise. Without doubt, your Shiites would reside on rostrums made of light, whilst their faces are white and shiny and I am surrounded by them; I shall plea for God’s pardon for their sins and tomorrow they would be my neighbors in paradise. Surely your enemies would enter the fire, whilst their faces are black and dark; war with you is war with me, and peace with you is peace with me; your secrets are mine too, and your children and dynasty are mine also; your flesh is my flesh and your blood is my blood. Surely you are always right and the truth shall always emanate from your tongue, your heart and between your eyes; the faith has intermixed with your flesh and blood, in the same way that it has intermixed with mine. Surely the almighty God has ordered me to announce  that you and your dynasty will be in paradise, and your enemy will be in hell; your enemy shall not join me by the side of the pool of Kowsar and your adherent shall not be absent from there.”



            Also in addition, it has been quoted in another case:



            “No one from the nation (ummah) would be your equal.”



            After hearing this statement, Ali bowed to the ground and said:



            “God be praised and thanked, who endowed me with the gift of Islam and has guided me by Quran; and has made me loved by the best of people, the last of the God’s messengers and the chief of all prophets, by his kindness and munificence.”






            Khwarazmi has cited Ali, who in turn has quoted The Holy Prophet as saying:



            “Surely there are guards in heaven and those guards are the angels; also there are guards on earth and these guards are your disciples and Shiites.”






            Ali Hamedani[48] has cited Ali, who quotes The Holy Prophet as saying:



            “O Ali! Announce to your Shiites that I’m their Shafi (savior) on the day of reckoning, when nothing, neither wealth nor children would be of use to them, except for my plea for God’s pardon for their sins.”






            Jabir[49] has quoted the Holy Prophet as saying:



            “When the day of reckoning would come, Gabriel and Michael shall bring me two sets of keys; one set belongs to the gates of paradise, while the other set belongs to the gates of hell; and on the keys to the gates of paradise, the names of the Shiites of Mohammad and Ali are engraved.”






            Abi-Harrirah[50] has been cited on quoting Ali, who in turn quotes The Holy Prophet as saying:



            “Fatimah is more loved by me than you are, and you are more dear to me than her; somehow I see you by the side of the pool of Kowsar, and I see that you are driving people away from it. There are chalices by the side of that pool, as many as all the stars in the sky; and you and me, Hassan and Hussayn, Fatimah, Aghil[51] and Ja’afar[52] are residents of paradise; [They are brothers with one another, and are sitting on heavenly couches, opposite each other.] You are with me and your disciples and Shiites are in paradise.” At this point, The holy Prophet read the ayat {} and said: “In a way that nobody sees the back of the head of his companions.” meaning that they are all sitting opposite each other and face to face with each other.






            Ibn-e-Shazan[53] has cited Abu-Harrirah who has quoted The Holy Prophet as saying:



            “Indeed God created a hundred thousand angels in the forth level of heaven, and three hundred thousand in the fifth level; and in the seventh level of heaven he created an angel whose head is below the dwelling place of God, and his two legs are in depths of the earth, and created angels that their number is greater than number people in the tribes of Rabi’ah and Mozar; they don’t drink or eat except that they salute Ali son of Abi-Talib and those who love him, and they plea for God’s pardon for his Shiites, friends and companions who are among the sinners.”






            Ibn-e-Shazan has cited Mousa son of Ja’afar[54], whom in turn has cited his fathers, whom in succession have quoted The Holy Prophet as saying:



            “When God almighty created Eden, he said to it: ‘Become adorned!’ and so it became adorned, elegant and glorious; then God said to it: ‘Be at peace and become tranquil! I swear to my own honor and magnificence that I did not create you (Eden) but for the sake of believers! Bless you and your inhabitants!’ ”



            Then The Holy Prophet remarked:



            “O’ Ali! Eden has not been created but for you and your Shiites.”






            Ibn-e-Shazan has cited Ayyub Sajestani[55] as saying:



“I was orbiting Ka’abah (God’s house in Mecca) when suddenly I saw Anas son of Malik. He said: ‘do you want me to tell you something that would make you happy? I was standing in the presence of The Holy Prophet in Mosque of Medina, and while his holiness was sitting, he said:



            “Go at once and bring Ali to me.”



            And so I went. I saw Ali and Fatima together, I told Ali: ‘The Holy Prophet is asking for you.’ He set off and when he reached there, The Holy Prophet told him:



            “Say Hello to Gabriel, Ali!”



            Ali said: “Hello to you, Gabriel” and Gabriel greeted him in return. The Holy Prophet remarked:



            “This is Gabriel and he says that God has greeted you and has said: “Bless you, your Shiites and your adherents! And woe to your enemies, when the day of reckoning would come! The preacher would acclaim from the heaven: ‘Where are Mohammad and Ali, so as to become present before God?’ And (when they come) God tells his prophet: ‘Enter Ali to the vicinity of the pool of Kowsar, and give this chalice to him, so as to satiate his friends and Shiites with water, and wouldn’t satiate his enemies, and would order his adherents’ deeds to be accounted easily and they would be set towards paradise.’ ” ”






            Ibn-e-Shazan has quoted Hazighah son of Yamaan[56] as saying: “The Holy Prophet rose and kissed the space between Ali’s eyes and said:



            “You Abu-al-Hassan[57], are a companion among my companions, you would always land where I land, and surely in paradise you have the rank of “Intermediate”; God bless you and your disciples (Shiites) whom would come after you.”






            Ibn-e-Shazan has cited Abdullah son of Abbas, whom in turn quotes The Holy Prophet as saying:



            “O Ali! Gabriel has just told me some thing about you that made my eyes kindle and my heart to become happy; Gabriel told me that God has said: “Give my greetings to Mohammad and tell him that Ali is the imam of guidance, the beacon in the darkness and complementary to inhabitants of the world. Surely he is the grandest of all the truthful and the greatest of all the discriminating (between right and wrong); and indeed I have sworn to my own magnificence that I shall not send into hell, those who have accepted his discipleship and have submitted themselves to him and to the imams who would come after him; and I have sworn to my greatness that I shall not enter to paradise those who have not accepted his discipleship and have not submitted themselves to him and the imams who would come after him. And indeed, this is my saying that I will fill all the levels of hell with his enemies and fill all the levels of paradise with his Shiites and friends.”






            Ibn-e-Shazan has cited Sa’ied Khadri[58] who in turn quotes The Holy Prophet as saying:



            “On the night of the ascension, I didn’t pass any thing in heaven, and I didn’t pass any fender or curtain, unless I found angels of God, who were saying: “May it be pleasant to you, Mohammad! Since you are endowed with gifts which haven’t been endowed to anyone other than you; A brother such as Ali, children such as Fatima (his wife) and Hassan and Hussayn, and their adherents as your Shiites whom are given to you. O’ Mohammad! You are the greatest of all the prophets, and Ali is the greatest of all administrates (successors); and Fatima is the chief of all women of the world, and Hassan and Hussayn are the best persons among the dynasty of all the prophets who are in paradise or are yet to enter the paradise; and his Shiites are the best and greatest of those whom are encompassed by the day of reckoning.” ”






            Khwarazmi has cited Zeynab[59], the daughter of Ali, who in turn has cited Fatima, the daughter The Holy Prophet, who has narrated that once The Holy Prophet told Ali:



            “O’ Ali, son of Abi-Talib! You should know that indeed you and your Shiites shall be in paradise. Soon a group of people would emerge who claim that they love you; but then they will quit Islam, in the same way that an arrow emerges from a bow; and they would be called Khavarej[60] (aliens). So if you would ever face them, kill them, since they are surely pagans.”






            What has been said in the form of all these narrations which have been quoted from The Holy Prophet with evidence presented by Sunni writers and citers, should give one the conclusion that the word “Shiite” has been used by The Holy Prophet to refer to the disciples and lovers of The Premier of Believers, Ali son of Abi-Talib; and in fact the founder of the Shiite faith, is The Holy Prophet. It’s our obligation to accept the great advice from The Holy Prophet as to follow The Premier of Believers (Ali) and his immaculate dynasty; since God has told us in Quran: { } and with reference to the aforementioned quotations and narrations, once again it’s clear that the phrase “Masters of Affairs” refers to Ali, The Premier of Believers, and all the other Immaculate Imams.



            Yes, let’s reach for the rope that connects us to God and by doing so, avoid divisions and schisms, as is mentioned in Quran:



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[1] ازهری



[2] Equivalent to the 9th century A.D.



[3] خوارزمی



[4] آیه



[5] Managheb Kharazmi (مناقب خوارزمی) , page 62 ; or سیوطی در دارلمنصور , volume 6, page 379



[6] حافظ ابن مردویه



[7] یزید ابن شراحیل انصاری



[8] ابن صباغ مالکی



[9] ابن عباس



[10] حافظ جمال الدین مرندی



[11] جابر ابن عبدالله



[12] Some sort of a tax which non-Muslims must pay in an Islamic society.



[13] ابن حجر



[14] صواعق



[15] ام سلمه



[16] زمخشری



[17] ربیع الابرار



[18] مغازلی



[19] انس ابن مالک



[20] کثیر ابن زید



[21] اعمش



[22] منصور دوانیقی



[23] سلمان فارسی



[24] اخطب خوارزم



[25] حاکم نیشابوری



[26] زید ابن ارقم



[27] موسی بن جعفر the seventh Imam of Shiites



[28] جعفر ابن محمد Son of the fifth Imam of Shiites



[29] علی ابن الحسین The fourth Imam of Shiites



[30] حسین ابن علی The third Imam of Shiites



[31] انس ابن مالک



[32] حموینی



[33] شرف الدین اشرف بن محمد حسینی مدائنی



[34] ابن مغازلی



[35]صادق جعفر ابن محمد The sixth Imam of Shiites



[36] جعفر ابن محمد صادق The sixth Imam of Shiites



[37] محمد ابن علی باقر The fifth Imam



[38] علی ابن الحسین The fourth Imam



[39] حسین ابن علی The third Imam



[40] زید بن علی ابن الحسین  The son of fourth Imam of Shiites



[41] The two sons of Ali, also being Imams of Shiite



[42] یحی ابن عبداالله ابن حسن



[43] جعفر ابن محمد  , The sixth Imam of Shiites



[44] قندوزی



[45] It’s a figure of speech, showing how much one respects and loves the other.



[46] سید شهاب الدین احمد



[47] Pool of Kowsars



[48] میر سید علی همدانی



[49] جابر



[50] ابی هریره



[51] عقیل



[52] جعفر



[53] ابن شاذان



[54] موسی بن جعفر the seventh Imam of Shiites



[55] ایوب سجستانی



[56] حذیقه بی یمان



[57] Literally meaning “father of Hassan”; one of the titles used for Ali, the first Imam.



[58] سعید خدری



[59] زینب



[60] خوارج

۲۸ خرداد ۹۴ ، ۱۷:۲۶ ۰ نظر موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰
امیر اسلامی